How to do

Start Up

There are many roads that lead to the birth of a new business and there are many roads that lead to the birth of a new Startup. There is the person who burns with entrepreneurial fire and racks his brain until he has found a good idea on which to concentrate his efforts; there are projects that arise almost as a game or as a response to a contest and there are the fruits of university research. There can be many starting points for creating a startup.

The term "start-up" identifies a new company which, established in the form of a temporary organization or in that of a joint-stock company, seeks a repeatable and scalable business model. Today it is above all innovative start-ups that enter the market and embark on the road to success, as defined by the decree law of 18 October 2012.

Initially, the term start-up identified emerging entrepreneurial ideas operating in the information technology and internet sector. Over time, the field of employment has widened to include all other sectors of Italian entrepreneurship.

The three fundamental characteristics that a start-up must have are:

  • Scalability: it must be able to grow exponentially, without the startupper having to resort to the use of resources proportional to the extent of the business volume.
  • Replicability: means a model capable of being repeated in different places and in different periods, without the need for major adjustments.
  • News: without innovation there is no start-up, which was born to give an answer to an unsolved problem.

  • A startup works like other companies: it creates a product or service that customers will then buy. The substantial difference between a start-up and other businesses is that companies replicate a product that has already been made before, i.e. they start from an already existing model, while a start-up aims to create a new and innovative model. Startups aim to grow rapidly, this is another factor that differentiates them from other companies. They continuously improve products by collecting data and feedback, trying to expand their customer base and by doing so they grow market share and manage to raise more funding and consequently grow faster.