How to do

Initial project

Before thinking about how to open a business there are some important steps to take in order to start in the right way.
First of all, you need to create a business idea, identify your product or service to offer and determine a market niche in which you are particularly interested. This allows you to have clear ideas about what you are going to offer and especially who that particular product or service is aimed at.

The most important part, and which will also prove to be the most useful, is the drafting of a business plan: necessary to formalize the existing business idea and predict potential risks and difficulties.
A well written business plan can make life as an entrepreneur considerably easier, here are some tips on how to create it:

  • Describe the purpose of the business: It is important to understand that all successful businesses aim to solve vital problems for their customers. That's why the first thing to mention on the business plan is the kind of problem people can overcome by using that particular product or service.
  • Identify your target customers: You can better understand your target customers by doing in-depth market research in the field, this means performing a demographic analysis and conducting surveys to understand the preferences, behavior and needs of target customers.
  • Determine your own goals:as soon as you start an activity it is right to set yourself a realistic scenario, in which the goal must be reachable and coincide, therefore the The best decision is to set S.M.A.R.T. à Specific (specific), Measurable (measurable), Attainable (reachable), Relevant (relevant) and Time-bound (with time deadlines).